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Learning French - Advanced Level

Sometimes reaching an Advanced Level in French seems to be a daunting task. Good news, it doesn't need to be.

French Advanced Level


Grammar is the foundation of any languages. Without it, you cannot be understood. Grammar allows you to structure more complex sentences.


Thanks to our modern teaching method, you learn new vocabulary during each lesson. The kind of vocabulary learned will be based on your own needs (Business, Travelling, Education,...)


If you don't feel like reading French books, that is totally fine. Internet offers a wide variety of free reading opportunity. We advise to start with French News. Here are a few:


Although not mandatory, travelling is still the best way to learn a language. It's immersive and speeds up the process of learning by at least 25%.


Whether you travel or not, you will have to spend some time to review what you have learned to ensure your brain retains the information until it becomes an automatism.


Practising goes without saying. As for anything you learn, practice is what makes your brain retain the information.

We recommend at least 15 minutes a day. The more time you put on the side, the faster you'll learn French. Remember, the most important is not the amount of time you spend learning but how regularly you learn. 10 minutes a day is much better than 3 hours once a week!

Having a Skype French teacher will help you greatly ensuring you are not making any mistakes and progressing in the right direction.


If you intend to move to a French speaking country for business purposes or to study at the University, then you may have to take one of the French examination (DALF, DELF for France or TEFAQ for Quebec).

We can help preparing you to these exams as well. We have a wide range of different exercises at your disposal (reading, writing, listening,...). We will also do mock tests before you take (and pass!) the real one.

Click here to BOOK your first lesson FREE at French Made Simple! Don't miss out!

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